Developmental Benefits

Developmental Benefits

Teletubbies is designed to help young children develop their physical, emotional and cognitive skills in a warm, loving, playful environment. It’s about exploring, experimenting, experiencing and enjoyment.

A purple circle with a light purple heart in the middle.

Getting on with others

Teletubbies love each other very much and share Big Hugs. Young children imitate this behavior and love sharing Big Hugs as an expression of love

A green circle with a light green splatter in the middle.


Teletubbies enjoy laughing and giggling just like young children

A pink circle with a light pink window in the middle.

Communicating & Expressing

The play-language performs an important role in helping children develop their speech. Children are encouraged to join in and play games with words. Teletubby language is about learning to communicate with confidence

A red circle with a pink wheel in the middle.

Listening and responding

Teletubbies helps children focus on sounds and language, interpret non-verbal signals and imitate. All this helps them learn and respond

A green circle with a light green watering bucket in the middle.

Knowing and Understanding

Teletubbies encourages children to anticipate events through structured signals. Children gain confidence in counting, sorting objects and recognizing patterns

A yellow circle with a light yellow periscope eye in the middle.

Finding a voice

Teletubby speech is based on young children’s first words and so it helps children feel more confident about communicating

A blue circle with a light blue rabbit in the middle.


Children are creative through exploration and discovery – just like the Teletubbies

A yellow circle with a light yellow trumpet in the middle.

Being Me

Teletubbies encourage children to express themselves through singing, dancing and creative activities

A red circle with a light red scooter in the middle.

Being Active

Watching the Teletubbies gets children moving!

Purple circle with light purple music notes in the middle.


Young children are fascinated by the way the Teletubbies move and joining in the dancing, songs and games is good for their confidence and well-being